CCA Privacy Policy

This statement pertains exclusively to the collection of personal information on official California College of the Arts (CCA) websites. Official college websites use the domain name "" and are controlled, operated, and maintained by college personnel in connection with college business. However, all uses of college computing resources are subject to the CCA Acceptable Use Policy.

Personal Information

Collection of personal information

CCA may ask you to provide us with your personal information for various purposes, such as when you request information or services from CCA. If you're asked to provide personal information on an official college website, college policy provides that you should be notified of the purpose for which the personal information is collected. Information provided to the college may be shared among offices within the college and outside entities as necessary or appropriate in the conduct of legitimate college business. Individuals may correct their personal information.

The college is also subject to the disclosure requirements of the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. Read more about how CCA complies with FERPA.

What is personal information?

Personal information is data that can be used to identify you, such as your full name, address, date of birth, or email address.

U.S. privacy laws refer to this information as “Personally Identifiable Information” (PII). Read more about data privacy on Electronic Frontier Foundation’s website.


CCA’s cookie policy

The cookie policy covers CCA’s main website, (, and other websites that serve the school such as Portal (

What are cookies?

Cookies are small files sent by websites you visit and are saved on your computer or mobile device. They document your use of the website and send information back to the website. In addition, cookies may enable website features or functionality, such as remembering your login.

Does CCA use cookies?

Yes. We use two types of cookies: session-based cookies and persistent cookies. Session-based cookies are deleted when you close your browser. Persistent cookies remain on your computer until deleted.

How does CCA use cookies?

CCA’s use of cookies may be for one or more of the following purposes described below:

Authentication: Provides seamless experience between CCA sites such as Workday, Portal, etc.

Strictly necessary: Allows you to use website functionality, such as updating your profile on Portal

Performance, Analytics, and Research: Allows us to improve our websites by providing insights into how users are discovering, using, and navigating our content

Marketing/Advertising: Allows us to personalize your experience based on stated interests, preferences, and behavior to deliver more relevant and timely content

Does CCA use third-party cookies?

Yes. See the Cookie Table to learn which third-party cookies are used by CCA sites. This list is reviewed and updated periodically by CCA. Between updates, Google and other third parties that we partner with may change the details of the cookies or add additional cookies not listed.

Can cookie settings be controlled?

Data Security

Keeping your data secure

The college will take appropriate steps to protect the information you share with us from unauthorized access or disclosure. The college strives to implement security measures that protect the loss, misuse, and alteration of the information under our control.

Not all transmissions to and from official college websites are secure: The website may not encrypt or decrypt data sent to or from the website. In addition, email you send to a college address may be subject to interception. If your communication includes personal information you do not wish to provide electronically, contact the college by postal mail or telephone.

Third Parties

Links to other sites

Some official college websites link to websites outside the "" domain and are controlled and operated by third parties. The college is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such third-party websites.


Changes to privacy policy

Advances in technology and new college policies and practices may necessitate the need to change or update this privacy statement from time to time. The college reserves the right to change this policy without notice. CCA is in the process of examining its data security practices. The privacy policy will be updated to ensure accuracy and transparency. Please check here for any changes.


If you have questions

CCA recognizes its responsibility in regards to your personal data and wants to ensure that you understand how we collect and use that data. If you have comments or questions about this privacy policy, please contact CIO Mara Hancock at

Updated in 2018